In AEM6+ Slow queries are logged as a warning. Analyzing the warnings helps what indexes (if any) are missing, how many times query is run etc... As part of OAK-1884[1] utility has been developed from jackrabbit team that will list the slow queries by analyzing the logs. If you are familiar with aem/implementation the output query helps to know what is happening in system and take appropriate action. Still it is in trunk, might undergo lot of changes in output till it become productized so that useful for wider audience and available out of the box. With the state has it is, the tool helped for few of my cases and hence built a executable jar based on same source code taken from jackrabbit current trunk so that you all also can benefit temporarily till it become mature and makes into AEM product directly at some point of time later. Steps to use is
- Download the qla.jar file.
- execute the jar file from terminal/command prompt using below command
- java -Xmx1024m -jar qla.jar <logFile> [<logFile2> ...]
- Example for file at location "/adobe/ToolsDailyUsage/cq6/author/crx-quickstart/logs/error.log" the command is
- java -Xmx1024m -jar qla.jar "/adobe/ToolsDailyUsage/cq6/author/crx-quickstart/logs/error.log"
- The output of my instance is shown below
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