In AEM6+ Slow queries are logged as a warning. Analyzing the warnings helps what indexes (if any) are missing, how many times query is run etc...  As part of OAK-1884[1] utility has been developed from jackrabbit team that will list the slow queries by analyzing the logs. If you are familiar with aem/implementation the output query helps to know what is happening in system and take appropriate action. Still it is in trunk,  might undergo lot of changes in output till it become productized so that useful for wider audience and available out of the box.   With the state has it is, the tool helped for few of my cases and hence built a executable jar based on same source code taken from jackrabbit current trunk so that you all also can benefit temporarily till it become mature and makes into AEM product directly at some point of time later.   Steps to use is
  1. Download the qla.jar file.
  2. execute the jar file from terminal/command prompt using below command 
    • java  -Xmx1024m -jar qla.jar <logFile> [<logFile2> ...]
  3. Example for file at location "/adobe/ToolsDailyUsage/cq6/author/crx-quickstart/logs/error.log" the command is 
    •  java  -Xmx1024m -jar qla.jar "/adobe/ToolsDailyUsage/cq6/author/crx-quickstart/logs/error.log"
  4. The output of my instance is shown below



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  1. In continuation of The first day

    The 2015 Evolve Conference is now over, which was special in many ways . It was a blessed time, with an incredible amount of information given on several different topics. Time to wait for the slides and video files of the conference. Planning should be now underway for 2016. Please find below some impressions for you on final day, so you have not missed out on it totally & in case you left early to catch up flights.

    • General Session 
      • Jacqui Kearns  Including research and reporting components with Customer & Prospect Relationship gain helped for the digital corporate brand, and defining vision.
      • Announcement of test drive version from rackspace that simplifies to deploy faster and flexibility of deploy .
      • Humor, jokes & insights on Names,Social Media,Donald Trump, phones,  instagram was the best from Arsenio. 
    • Track 2 - Enhance (Technical)  
      • Demo of Building and launching a project including scaling an aem instance was impressive.More details at 
        • Anyone interested in a Beta,  contact - Sr. Director: Product 
      • Familiar with personalization & optimization of aem & like to know how getting better together worth to watch Peter Krmpotic presentation.
      • Jakub Kaniewski presentation of AEM Projects extensions classification & real time collaboration including videos on DAM asset folders on authors instance plus within out of the box sounds amazing. 
      • Multi-tenancy AEM Architecture from Cisco made use of  dbmmanage.
      • John Fait last session on "Apps with In-App Messaging & Beacon Support" under the situation of room full of mentally exhausted participants with a news of can't wait feature pack shows the quality of conference till last moment.  
    • Last thing was the closing party. It took place in a rooftop @ Hard Rock Hotel. We had a great time talking, eating, drinking there & live performance from a The Wheeland Brothers . Thanks evolve :)
    • All haha moments at #evolve15
        Special Thanks to all the attendees, sponsors for making it possible. 

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  2. Today got an opportunity to attended the Evolve'15 conference in san diego, USA. I want to share some of my take away from evolve 2015. I know that many of you are interested in conferences like this, but only a few actually decide, or have the time, to make the long trip to attend. Here are some impressions for you, so you have not missed out on it totally. And also know what to watch when Presentations and Videos from Top Professionals made available.
    • From past 4+ years have been assisting customers and field staff by providing virtual technical support on AEM. Meeting few of them in evolve conference 2015 made finally Virtual Reality Real. Thanks for all the attendees, sponsors & my supervisors for their support in the community and making this happen.
    • General Session
      • Watch out for Loni Stark & Stephen Hammond go-to-market strategy,  drive innovation in marketing technologies and solutions.
      • SmartPic :- auto-tagging cool demo from Justin, Can help to see data for several additional dimensions. 
      • Matt Hauser Benefits of the AEM integration for Increased visibility into KPIs, Reduce IT requirements, Faster deployment timelines & lower costs.
      •   John Bollen - MGM Resorts,  A Complete Customer Experience story with Approach to Technology Adoption. 
    • Track 2 - Enhance (Technical)
      • Norberto Leite presentation on Effectively Scale and Operate AEM with MongoDB available at
        • MongoMk Data model & Checks and repairs errors and inconsistencies in data storage was new & learning for me.
      • Have to flexible to miss out some of interesting planned topic from Christian Meyer, Sharat, Benjamin due to other potential discussion. Surely waiting to watch out once slides are made available.
    • Don't miss out to meet all the AEM enthusiasts in any form as presenter or attendee at evolve. Lot of learning & feedback also at evolve15 hashtag.
    Some of  common pain points & suggestions based on one to one Conversations is listed below for your consideration to upgrade to 6.1
    • Reverse Replication Enhancements:-
    • Stickiness  Requirement:-  AEM 6.1 no longer requires sticky session on the load balancer to keep a token/cookie based authentication. This is possible due to a new Crypto Token implementation.
    • Saml logout & multi domain mapping:-Possible with 6.1 please refer
    Lastly my presentation submission to evolve for  two consecutive years did not selected. The mistakes I was doing earlier submissions & energy I got today hoping will surely help to do better in my next year submission.  But atleast evolve will be one of my reference on the list of professional conferences I remember going to.

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  3. Note:-   Found some issue  & working on fixing it. Till then please do not use the package.

    The standard error handler for handling http errors described at [1]. This error handling mechanism [1] doesn't apply to POST operations (Ex:- [2]). The article demonstrate the feature PostResponseCreator [3] which helps achieve error handling for post operation. Based on my personal experience When using any product I recommend always
    • Never neglect implementing custom error pages because most security holes happen from here.
    • To give consistent look and feel like logo, headlines,message etc..
    The steps are simple
    • Implement PostResponseCreator
    • Sample Example below (Download and install Sample package of above example.)
    package com.sample.errorhandler;

    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
    import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
    import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property;


    public class PostResponseErrorHandler implements PostResponseCreator{

        public static final String RP_SEND_ERROR =":sendError";
    //responses to be sent back to the client and logic is written in createPostResponse method
        public PostResponse createPostResponse(SlingHttpServletRequest req) {
            if (req.getParameter(RP_SEND_ERROR) == null) {
                return new AbstractPostResponse() {
                    public void onChange(String type, String... arguments) {
                        // NO-OP
                    protected void doSend(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
                        response.getWriter().write("Thanks for reading article !");
                        response.getWriter().write("Place Holder for your layout !");
            } else {
                return null;
    • Output after installing the package and following [2] is shown below

    My Special thanks to Paul Perry, Antonio Sanso sharing the feedback.


    -   Login at http://localhost:4502/libs/cq/ui/resources/cq-ui.html
    -   Click on "Migrate"
    -   A standard error message displayed by showing:


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  4. Out of the box group & userid without samples

    Groups name & description
    • administrators    Super group
    • Community Moderators Community members who act as moderators
    • Authors    The group responsible for content editing.
    • Contributors    Base group for all user and groups that must be able to access the authoring environment.
    • DAM Users Users of the DAM system
    • everyone    Built-in group automatically containing all existing users and groups. The list of members should not be edited.
    • forms-users      Used in aem forms
    • mp-contributors Media Publishing Contributors
    • mp-designers     Media Publishing Designers
    • mp-editors     Media Publishing Editors
    • mp-users     Media Publishing Users
    • operators
    • projects-administrators  Administering the Project Management
    • projects-users
    • tag-administrators    Group that is allowed to edit tags
    • user-administrators
    • workflow-editors    Group that is allowed to create and modify workflow models
    • workflow-users    Group allowed to use workflows
    User name list
    • Administrator
    • anonymous
    • dtm-deploy-hook-user
    • formsadmin
    • fpadmin
    • oauthservice
    • ocs-lifecycle
    • replication-receiver
    • suggestionservice

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  5. Dispatcher release are independent of the AEM release numbers and are cumulative. The release notes part of distribution zip file contains only the bug fixes from previous release.  The small disturbance hear around this is
    • There is no online documentation to track release changes. (To find have to extract distribution zip file to identify the bug fixes and improvements. )  
    • The release notes documentation part of distribution is not cumulative & need to repeat the above step for each version.
    • The updated documentation publish time is not in sync with dispatcher release. The changes are not reflected immediately and also some time information is not centralized. 
    • Though not recommended In reality customer upgrade dispatcher at time of aem upgrade Or when problem is encountered. Which make sense because of investment to QA each upgrade.  There is no easy way currently to find publicly changes from your current dispatcher to latest available version.
    In this post attempting to share the online docs developed based on extracting the information from GA dispatcher release notes to save some time. The steps are
    1. Go to
    2. Select your current dispatcher version from drop down.
    3. There are two tables one for bug fixes and other for enhancements which will populate with consolidated changes from your current version to latest available. 
    4. The columns Notes given you an hint of latest configuration options available. 
    Note:- Assuming most of customers are already in atleast 4.0.9 or above. 

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  6. Passed the "AEM 6.0 Architect" Exam relying on exposed hands-on experience so far,  following blogs/forums/slideshare/youtube/twitter from our colleagues, partners & customers. When I first started studying for the Architect Exam I had absolutely no idea where to begin.  I spent the first few days running in circles trying to locate what I needed to study for each exam.   (Special Thanks to Eren Aydin, Feike Visser, Jean Claude Jung who tried their best to help me out  but unfortunately did not get much info) I very quickly learned there are no shortcuts. Luckily I had a lot of practical knowledge from work experience, but still really needed to study everything. I learned that you can drastically accelerate the process by using the right tool (internal dl group mails, forums,blog,twitter,community) for the job. Passing the exams requires branching out and taking study materials from all over the place to get up to speed quicker on various topics. In this post share with you tips, all the study materials and information that I know of to prepare for the AEM6 Architect Exam. Hopefully this might save you some time from chasing.

    1.        Start at the official AEM Certification page

    Visit the official page This is where you will find important specifics about the exam, topics covered, and links to some of the materials that are mentioned in some of the tips below. You should circle back to this page frequently because adobe is very rapidly updating its offerings and may include updates relevant to the exam.

    2.        Take a course

    I highly recommend that you do not study without having basics & Take a courses such as  Although not a pre-requisite and I did not attend this courses.  Lucky enough on my routine workwise meet trainers such as  James Talbot, Kathy Jo Nelson virtually about topics details in those training.

    3.        Get technical deep yourself to the AEM

    Watch the free videos, practice and prepare for your certification.

    4.        Know what to expect

    Download the exam guide. Create a studying plan  based on checklist in exam guide. Periodically review these plan to make sure that you are on-track and that you understand every topic in-depth.  Some of things I have attempted here is 
    • Creating a small group who were interested in taking exams & discuss regularly. 
    • Have brain storming on each topics. (I had been blessed with my colleague "Son Dong" been with me during brain storming session to discuss on security models, MSM, Performance...)
    • Make use of internal dl groups or external aem forums for the topics you are not aware of. 
    • Planned for one of us just take a exam with little preparation to smell the taste of exam. (It costs 180$ but have to take a chance since there was no much information available earlier)
    • while reading if you read about a something which you are not familiar with . you can google it to understand more.
    • The website home pages that helps are [0].

    5.        You Need Both Hands On Experience And Conceptual Understanding

    Just working knowledge won’t do it for you. Having hands on experience will greatly help you achieve a good understanding how of AEM works. The title of the exam is “Architect”, meaning you will need know how to design applications to use AEM. That means understanding all the out of the box components, what the best use case is for each setup, when you should use MSM Live Copy over Language Copy. How does LDAP, document repository play into your infrastructure? How would you architect for given requirement? You need an understanding of how each technology stack (Felix,Sling,Jackrabbit,dispatcher) of aem work, how security plays into each service, and a great understanding of how redundancy, fault tolerance, and elasticity play into each stack, How many templates, components required for given requirements. Also you need good experience on handling discovery meetings & prioritizing the questions.
    Real time long time project Experience on  CMS migration, Multilingual, Multisite, performance on Feed-based Architecture for media customers are added advantage. 

    6.        Memorization alone is not enough

    Knowing the individual services (Workflow, Granite, Replication, OSGi, Sling, Coral, JCR, MSM, i18n, etc.), their features, and their options is definitely necessary, but you must also understand how to use them together to design & develop highly available, fault tolerant, and optimized applications for the given client requirements. This can prove to be very challenging, but it also gives you a very valuable certificate to be proud of when you pass!

    7.        Practice and experience make perfect

    In my opinion,  the best way to obtain the level of understanding is by solving the problems posted in community,  contributing to open projects such as ACS ,  following the experience shared from architects (My list at [1] ).  The more you do this, the more you will understand each service and how you can use them together. This will best prepare you for the exam. You need to understand where to go to and how to troubleshoot applications in AEM. You must also understand how to use certain features to optimize applications for cost and/or for performance.

    After a long time I was taking an exam & to practice the management of timing personally took free brain bench  java 7 certification.  Successfully cleared the exam.  My favorite question was
    Which Servlet API do you use to prevent Session fixation attacks?
    Choice 1
    Choice 2
    Choice 3
    Choice 4
    Choice 5

    8.        Sample Exam Questions

    Don’t look for easy ways out, you will not be doing yourself any favors. Do it the right way and you’ll not only get certified, but you’ll be qualified to get jobs as an AEM Certified Solutions Architect.      Most of questions are very tricky with all correct answers & you need to pick best one based on priority and an given situation.

    AEM component developer OR lead developer certificates the exam guide contains sample questions.  I do not know the reason for architect exam it was missing, It would have been nice the certification team would have continued the same.

    9.        Be ready for test day

    Many people have their own strategies for test-taking.  I recommend sleep well, read key points mentioned in your notes (Sample at [2])  and keep your exam schedule earliest possible morning slot. 

    10.      Exam Experience

    1. Questions were well organized with summarizing the practical specific problem. 
    2. Most of answers were correct & tricking us to select highest ranking was challenging. 
    3. Enjoyed the exam & learnt a lot. 
    4. Approximately per question have 1.5 minutes, Though for some question I was confused still selected the best answer so that I can review later if time permits. 
    5. When I was in middle of the exam system got crashed & Lost my patience thinking I need to start from beginning. When switched to next system the exam started from where it was crashed to bring some smile on my face.
    6. Make use of scratch pad provided very well to decide number of components etc...  
    7. For my turn in the exam The majority (~35%) of questions were from topic
    discovery meetings

    1. And that’s it!   If you pass, you will not only be certified, but you will really know “what you are talking about”, which will be a great asset for projects, interviews, and so forth.

    2. There isn’t a “know this and you’ll” pass formula. If you study all AEM stacks and nothing else you’ll fail.   Be careful of looking for a “cheap and easy way” to pass the exam.

    3. Don’t hesitate to reach out in the discussion for further advice. If you have passed, please share what worked for you at! Good luck to everyone taking this exam!


    [1]     My regular subscription & great aem architect members ,  am sure missed some & yet to hear adding more as I progress in my career.
    1. Justin Edison (Aem forums activity feed, internal/external mailing list & at
    2. Paul Flory
    3. Gardner Buchanan (Internal wiki)
    4. Scott's Digital Community
    5. Jörg Hoh ( , Tweet & AEM Forum activity)
    6. Feike Visser ( )
    7. Orotas (AEM Forum activity)
    8. Sumit Parashar, kaushal mall, Paul Nolasco (Internal posts)
    9. Sreekanth Choudry Nalabotu ( )
    10. Will McGauley (AEM Forum activity)
    11. Giancarlo Berner (You Tube)
    12. Todd Haser 
    13. Ruben Reusser (  Orange county meetup organizer)
    14. Marcel Boucher (
    15. Darin Kuntze (Internal knowledge series)
    16. Cedric Huesler 
    17. Jay Kerger (Tweet)
    18. Lars Krapf
    19. In apache contribution subscription  Our engineering team members such as Thomas Mueller, Chetan Mehrotra, Carsten Ziegeler, David,  Felix 


    • Conceptual Architecture:-  Abstract, High level, Black Box The main goal of a conceptual design is to provide an understandable picture of the overall purpose of the proposed solution. - Enables Business Stakeholders to articulate context and requirements of a desired solution, and Technology Stakeholders to describe the proposed solution in business terms
    • Logical Architecture:- A logical design is a more detailed design which includes all major components and entities plus their relationships. The data flows and connections are detailed in this stage. The target audience is typically developers or other systems architects. Enables Technology Stakeholders to articulate the same solution in technical terms to ensure the solution is complete and aligned with enterprise architecture, technology standards, and operational processes.
    • Physical Architecture:-   A physical design has all major components and entities identified within specific physical servers and locations or specific software services, objects, or solutions. Include all known details such as operating systems, version numbers, and even patches that are relevant. Enables Delivery Stakeholders to articulate implementation details and how the solution is to be built.


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  7. The package in this article helps to export aem report into csv. Same as my previous post [1] & just in form of package and implemented to skip link checker and formatting issue.  



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  8. AEM6 now has web console plugin to clear the compiled classes regardless of where and how they are stored.   http://<host>:<port>/system/console/slingjsp

    CURL Command is
    curl -u <userid>:<pwd> -X POST http://<host>:<port>/system/console/slingjsp

    Same as been updated at

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  9. Hearing lot in field SSO configuration is always challenging. An small attempt to showcase how easy it is aem - saml setup with less than a minute.

    More details at

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